IWBF are proud to announce the publication of the approved 2019 3x3 Official Wheelchair Basketball Rules.
These rules are valid with immediate effect and are mandatory for all official 3X3 competitions of the IWBF.
The 3x3 Official Rules were approved by the IWBF Executive Council at their last board meeting in Mies, Switzerland in April 2019.
The concept and rules of the 3x3 discipline in the wheelchair game was decided upon following extensive consultation and research into the different formats that were being played. The research considered key factors including game play, logistics and the spectator experience.
IWBF President, Ulf Mehrens, said, “Introducing and developing 3x3 as the second discipline in wheelchair basketball is extremely important to allow us to continue to grow our sport across the world.
“The release of the rules is a further milestone in our strategic plan to establish the discipline of 3x3 in the wheelchair game and widen our network of athletes, supporters and stakeholders.
“I would like to thank the IWBF Technical Commission, under the direction of its Chairman Mr. Cristian Roja, for their hard work in producing the rules.”
The 3x3 Official Wheelchair Basketball Rules are available in the download section of the website or on the link below.